Salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that holds a vast amount of business-critical data. However, many data analysts and business professionals rely on Excel for data manipulation, reporting, and analysis. The ability to seamlessly connect Excel to Salesforce is essential for companies who need to centralize their data from Excel and other data sources to Salesforce.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide on the different methods for connecting Excel to Salesforce, ensuring you can efficiently manage your data. If you need to pull Excel data into Salesforce, this guide will cover all the available solutions, along with their limitations and popular FAQs.

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Methods to Connect Excel to Salesforce

1. Using Salesforce Data Loader

Salesforce Data Loader is a free client application provided by Salesforce that allows users to import, export, update, and delete data in Salesforce using CSV files. Though it requires an extra step of converting Excel files to CSV, it remains a widely used method for bulk operations.


  • Prepare Data in Excel:

    • Format your data in Excel and save it as a CSV file (`File > Save As > CSV`).

  • Download and Install Data Loader:

    • Download the Salesforce Data Loader from the Salesforce platform (Setup > Data Loader).

  • Install it on your system.

  • Login to Data Loader:

    • Open Data Loader, enter your Salesforce login credentials and choose the operation you want (e.g., Insert, Update, Delete).

  • Import/Export Data:

    •    Select your CSV file for data upload (or specify where to export data from Salesforce).

    •    Map the Salesforce fields to the columns in your Excel data (CSV).

    •    Complete the data import/export operation.


  • CSV Conversion Required: Data Loader requires your Excel data to be in CSV format.

  • Limited Automation: You need to manually export or import data each time, which can be time-consuming for regular operations.

2. Manually Uploading CSV Files to Salesforce (Without Tools)

If you prefer not to use external tools or software, you can manually convert Excel files into CSV and upload them directly to Salesforce using the native Salesforce interface.


  • Convert Microsoft Excel Data to CSV:

    • Save your Excel data as a CSV file by selecting File > Save As > CSV.

  • Navigate to the Object in Salesforce:

    • Log in to Salesforce and navigate to the object (e.g., Accounts, Contacts) where you want to upload the data.

  • Use the Standard Import Option:

    • Salesforce objects have standard import tools. Use the import tool to upload the CSV file and map the fields.

  • Upload Data:

    • Upload the CSV and review the data mapping. Once confirmed, start the data import process.


  • Manual process: No automation of metadata, requiring manual intervention each time.

  • CSV format required: You need to manually save your Excel file as CSV.

3. Using Salesforce Data Import Wizard

The Salesforce Data Import Wizard is a web-based tool available directly within This functionality is designed for smaller or medium-sized data imports and supports data transfer for a range of Salesforce records which are standard objects such as Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Custom Objects.


  • Prepare Your Excel Spreadsheet Data:

    • Clean and organize your data in Excel worksheet and save it as a CSV file.

  • Open Data Import Wizard in Salesforce:

    • In Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Data Import Wizard and select the type of record you want to import (e.g., Accounts, Contacts) and pull data.

  • Upload the CSV File:

    • Follow the on-screen prompts to upload your CSV file.

  • Map Fields:

    • Salesforce will try to map your CSV columns to the Salesforce fields automatically. Review and adjust the field mapping as necessary.

  • Import Data:

    • Start the import process. You will receive an email or notification once the import is complete with details on successes and errors.


  • Limited to smaller imports: Suitable for up to 50,000 records only.

  • Requires CSV format: You need to convert Excel files to CSV before uploading.

4. Using Third-Party Data Integration Platforms

Third-party integration tools like provide no-code platforms for connecting Excel to Salesforce in near real-time. These platforms have Excel to Salesforce connector for data to flow between Excel and Salesforce seamlessly, automating the process.


  • Sign Up to dashboard after opting for free trial or paid service.

  • Configure Salesforce Connection: Perform authentication of your Salesforce account within the platform and define the data flow to connect Salesforce (e.g., from Excel to Salesforce or vice versa). Salesforce admins can help you here.

  • Set Up Excel Connector: Depending on the platform, connect Excel by either linking your Excel file stored in cloud services (e.g., OneDrive, Google Drive) or using file upload automation.

  • Automate the Workflow: Set triggers to automate regular data syncs between Salesforce and Excel (e.g., updating Salesforce reports whenever new rows are added in Excel).


Connecting Excel to Salesforce report or records can greatly enhance your data workflows, allowing you to easily access, analyze, and manipulate data between the two platforms. If you are importing Excel data into Salesforce for CRM updates, the right method of Excel to Salesforce integration will depend on your specific use case, technical expertise, and the volume of data you handle.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each method, you can choose the right solution for your business, ensuring seamless data integration and efficient workflows for data management. To get started with automating your Excel to Salesforce now, schedule a time to speak with one of our Solution Engineers here

Next, let’s take a look at some popular FAQs related to Salesforce Excel connector.


1. Can I automate data transfers between Excel and Salesforce?

  • Yes, you can automate data transfers using tools like, by writing custom scripts with Salesforce APIs. The Salesforce Connector for Excel also allows automated updates from Excel to Salesforce.

2. Why is Salesforce Data Loader not importing all my records?

  • Salesforce Data Loader may reject records if the data does not meet Salesforce validation rules, if there are missing required fields, or if there is a mismatch between data types in Salesforce and the CSV file.

3. How can I ensure my Excel data is mapped correctly to Salesforce fields?

  • When using Data Loader or other import tools, carefully map each column in your Excel or CSV file to the corresponding Salesforce field. Double-check for required fields, field types, and relationships between objects.

4. Can I refresh Salesforce data in Excel automatically?

  • Yes, using Power Query or third-party tools, you can set up scheduled refreshes. However, Salesforce’s built-in tools like Data Loader and Reports require manual operations unless automated through external platforms.