is a widely used tool for loading data into Salesforce, but even the most experienced users can encounter errors, especially as they start to reach the platform's limitations. Understanding these errors and knowing how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining data integrity and workflow efficiency. In this post, we'll dive into some of the most common errors, their causes, and how to resolve them. However, it's worth noting that at a certain point, many companies outgrow, so we've also included information on - a more robust alternative when no longer meets your needs.

Common Errors and Resolutions

1. Error: Row is larger than header

Cause: Missing header for a data field.

Resolution: Check each column for a corresponding header, including outlier cells that may unexpectedly contain data.

2. Error: Insufficient access rights to object ID

Cause: Lack of access to the records or object being referenced.

Resolution: Lower the batch size to identify the problematic row. Verify each ID in affected rows by accessing the related record in Salesforce.

3. Error: Duplicate value found

Cause: Attempt to update a unique field with a duplicate value.

Resolution: Lower the batch size to identify the issue. Review mapped fields in your Data Loader operation and adjust the duplicate values accordingly.

4. Error: ID value of incorrect record type

Cause: Incorrect entry of record type by name instead of ID.

Resolution: Ensure record types in your file are matched with their corresponding record type ID.

5. Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Cause: Java memory exhaustion on the local machine.

Resolution: Consult documentation on managing Java heap space issues.

6. Error: Owner ID: ID value of incorrect type

Cause: Incorrect ID type for record owner or related record lookup fields.

Resolution: Replace incorrect IDs with the correct record IDs of the appropriate object.

7. Error: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries

Cause: Exceeding Apex governor limits due to triggers or large batch sizes.

Resolution: Reduce batch size and consult with developers to optimize Apex code.

8. Error: Not processed due to batch error: Invalid Batch

Cause: "Use Bulk API" feature conflict.

Resolution: Ensure at least one field is mapped correctly.

9. Error: Name column must be mapped when solely inserting records

Cause: Missing Name field in CSV file.

Resolution: Include and map the Name column in your file for each record.

10. Error: Invalid CSV file format

Cause: Incompatibility between comma and tab delimiters.

Resolution: Edit the file to ensure consistency in delimiter use, enclosing problematic cells in quotation marks.

11. Error: Invalid Number

Cause: Incorrect number formatting in import file.

Resolution: Remove commas from number fields in the file.

12. Error: Group membership operation already in progress

Cause: Simultaneous updates to user role information.

Resolution: Suspend sharing rule calculations before making updates to avoid conflict.

13. Error: AccountAfterInsert: execution of AfterUpdate

Cause: Active trigger on the Account object.

Resolution: Work with developers to optimize Apex code and reduce batch size as a temporary fix.

14. Error: Operation not valid for this user type

Cause: Attempt to assign tasks to an inactive user.

Resolution: Verify the user's status and ensure they are active before assignment.

Why Consider as an Alternative?

While is an effective tool for basic file uploading to Salesforce, its limitations become apparent when dealing with complex data integration and transformation needs. offers a powerful, user-friendly platform for preparing and loading data into Salesforce. With, companies can:

  • Load data from any source (files, APIs, databases, SaaS applications) to Salesforce.
  • Transform, standardize, and clean data using 220+ low-code transformation functions before loading to Salesforce.
  • Schedule data pipelines to execute from every 5 minutes to whatever time frequency is needed.
  • Seamlessly integrate with a wide range of data sources and destinations beyond Salesforce.
  • Automate complex data workflows without the need for extensive coding, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Enjoy a scalable, cloud-based platform that grows with your data needs.
  • Benefit from robust error handling mechanisms, making identifying and resolving issues promptly easier.

In conclusion, while serves as a valuable tool for basic Salesforce data uploading, businesses facing more complex data challenges or seeking to streamline their data processes may find to be a more fitting solution. A recent customer who started using our platform described our platform perfectly: " is for when is not enough and MuleSoft is too much" - we are that sweet spot in between!

Learn more about's Salesforce product offering here. If you're ready to get started, schedule a call with a Solution Engineer discuss your use case and set up a trial account.