Airtable is a flexible, cloud-based platform that combines the functionality of a database with the ease of a spreadsheet. However, despite its powerful capabilities, many users often need to export data from Airtable into Excel for deeper analysis, sharing with stakeholders, or integrating with other tools. 

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide tailored for data professionals who rely on Airtable but need to export data to Excel seamlessly.

Key Takeaways 

  • You will learn methods to export Airtable data to Excel, including their limitations. 
  • You will also learn common issues and troubleshooting steps to ensure a smooth process.

Table of Contents

 Different Methods to Export Data from Airtable to Excel

 1. Using the Built-In Export Feature

Airtable has a straightforward built-in export feature that allows you to export your data into CSV format, which can then be opened in Microsoft Excel.


  • Navigate to Your Airtable Base: Open the Airtable base containing the data you want to export.
  • Select View and Table: Ensure you are in the correct view (Grid View works best) and have the correct table selected.
  • Click on View Options (Three Dots): In the top-right corner of your view, click the three dots to open the view options.
  • Export to CSV: Select the "Download CSV" option from the dropdown menu.
  • Open in Excel: After the CSV file is downloaded, open it in Excel and save it as an .xlsx file.


  • CSV Format Only: The built-in export only supports CSV, so you’ll need to convert the file to Excel format manually.
  • Limited Formatting: Data formatting and formulas in Airtable are not preserved when exporting to CSV.
  • Manual Process: For regular exports, this method can become tedious.

 2. Using Airtable’s API

For users who want more control or need to automate the export process, Airtable provides an API that can be used to programmatically retrieve data and export it into Excel.


Get API Key: Obtain your API key by navigating to your Airtable account page.

Access the API Docs: Go to Airtable’s API documentation, select your base, and follow the documentation to retrieve data.

Write a Script: Use a programming language like Python to call Airtable’s API and retrieve data in JSON format. You can then use libraries like pandas to convert this data to Excel.

Example in Python:

   import requests
   import pandas as pd

   API_KEY = 'your_airtable_api_key'

   BASE_ID = 'your_base_id'

   TABLE_NAME = 'your_table_name'

   headers = {

       'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}',

   url = f'{BASE_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}'

   response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

   data = response.json()

   df = pd.json_normalize(data['records'])

   df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False)


  • Technical Expertise Required: This method requires knowledge of APIs and programming, making it unsuitable for non-technical users.
  • No Native Excel Export: You’ll need to write custom scripts to convert the data to Excel format.
  • API Rate Limits: Airtable imposes API rate limits, which may be restrictive for large datasets.

 3. Using Third-Party Integration Tools 

Automation platforms like allow users to automate the process of exporting Airtable to Excel along with transformation capabilities, making it smoother for recurring exports.


  • Set Up an Account: Sign up for Integrate account.
  • Create a New Automation: Connect to Oracle DB.
  • Connect Airtable: Authenticate your Airtable account and select the base and table you want to export.
  • Connect Excel: Choose Excel as the destination where the data will be exported.
  • Set Export Triggers: Configure the trigger to run the export when new records are added or when records are updated.


  • Paid Service: Many third-party tools require a paid subscription to handle large volumes of data or advanced automation. (But, with, there is no data usage limit during 14 day free trial.

 4. Using Google Sheets as an Intermediate Step

If your goal is to continuously sync data from Airtable to Excel, using Google Sheets as an intermediate step is a viable solution.


  • Export to Google Sheets: Use Airtable’s "Sync" feature to connect your data directly to Google Sheets.
  • Google Sheets Add-on: Use add-ons like “Sheetgo” to automate exports to Excel.
  • Download as Excel: Once the data is in Google Sheets, you can manually or automatically download it as an Excel file using Google Sheets' “Download as” feature.


  • Intermediate Platform Dependency: Requires relying on Google Sheets, adding another platform to your workflow.
  • Manual Final Step: Unless you automate the process further, you’ll still need to manually download the file in Excel format.

Key Challenges and Troubleshooting Mechanisms

Here are the key issues:

 1. Data Structure Differences

  • Challenge: Airtable is a relational database, meaning it organizes data in linked tables. Excel, on the other hand, is a flat-file system where all the data is in a single sheet. Maintaining the relationships between tables during the export process can be complex.
  • Troubleshooting: You need to flatten the relational data model before exporting it to Excel. This could involve creating multiple sheets in Excel to represent the relationships or merging related data into a single sheet.
  • Example: If you have a table for "Customers" linked to another table for "Orders," you'll need to export both tables separately and then use Excel’s VLOOKUP or similar functions to maintain relationships.

 2. Field Type Incompatibilities

  • Challenge: Airtable has various field types such as attachments, formulas, and linked records. These fields do not always have a direct equivalent in Excel, which primarily handles text, numbers, and basic formulas.
  • Troubleshooting: For fields like attachments, you may need to convert the data into a format that Excel supports (e.g., converting attachment links into text or URLs). For formula fields, ensure that the logic is compatible with Excel’s formula syntax.
  • Airtable Example: If an Airtable column contains attachments, exporting will result in a list of links in Excel rather than the actual files. Ensure you download the files separately if needed.

 3. Data Size Limitations

  •  Challenge: Airtable has a record limit of around 50,000 records per base, while Excel has a limitation of about 1 million rows per sheet. Although this seems large, heavy datasets can still hit Excel’s limits.
  •  Troubleshooting: When exporting a large dataset, consider splitting it into smaller chunks or moving to more advanced tools like a CSV file for import into Excel. You can also aggregate or filter the data before export to reduce size.
  •  Airtable Example: When exporting a large table, use Airtable’s filter options to export the data in manageable batches.

 4. Automating Data Sync

  • Challenge: If you need to frequently move data from Airtable to Excel, manually exporting and importing data can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Troubleshooting: You can automate this process by using services like, or even building custom scripts via Airtable’s API and Excel macros. Alternatively, use third-party ETL tools to sync data automatically.
  • Airtable Example: You can set up Airtable automations or use integration platforms to automate the process of pushing updates to Excel regularly.

 5. Handling Time Zones and Dates

  • Challenge: Airtable stores dates in a specific format (often UTC), which can lead to discrepancies when exported to Excel, where local time zones might be applied.
  • Troubleshooting: Make sure you understand how Airtable formats dates and times, and adjust Excel’s date formatting settings accordingly. Airtable offers options to display dates in local time, which can help during export.
  • Airtable Example: If your Airtable date fields are in UTC, you can convert these into local time zones within Airtable before exporting.

In this blog, we have seen how to export Airtable to Excel using different method. Let’s wrap it up.


Exporting data from Airtable to Excel is a common task, whether for reporting, analysis, or sharing data with non-Airtable users. The methods outlined above provide flexibility for different needs, from quick one-time exports to complex automated workflows. Understanding the limitations of each method allows you to choose the right approach depending on the size of your data, the frequency of exports, and your technical expertise. Whether you are a non-technical user looking for quick solutions or a data analyst needing sophisticated automation, this guide has you covered.

By mastering these techniques, you ensure that your data export workflows are efficient, reliable, and tailored to your business needs. To get started with automating your Airtable to Excel, schedule a time to speak with one of our Solution Engineers here


1. Can I export Airtable to Excel data directly?

   - Currently, Airtable does not offer a direct export to Excel feature. You can export to CSV and then open the file in Excel or use third-party tools for automation.

2. How can I automate exports from Airtable to Excel?

   - You can use third-party automation platforms like to automate the process. Alternatively, you can write custom scripts using Airtable’s API.

3. Why does my exported data not preserve formulas and formatting?

   - When exporting data from Airtable, especially to CSV, formulas and formatting are not retained. You will need to reapply formatting and formulas in Excel after the export.

4. Is there a way to export only specific rows or columns?

   - Yes, you can apply filters in Airtable before exporting. The built-in export feature will only export the visible data according to your view’s filters.