Oracle SQL Developer is a powerful tool widely used by data professionals for managing and interacting with Oracle databases. One of the common tasks that data analysts in mid-market companies frequently encounter is the need to export data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel for further analysis, reporting, or sharing. 

This blog will provide a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to achieve this, ensuring that every method is covered comprehensively, catering to various user needs and preferences.

Key Takeaways

  • Various methods for exporting Oracle SQL developer to Excel.
  • Common technical challenges and troubleshooting mechanisms during Oracle SQL developer Excel integration.

Table of Contents

Different Methods to Export Data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel

1. Using the Export Wizard

The Export Wizard is the most user-friendly method, ideal for users who prefer a graphical interface and need to export from oracle sql developer to excel quickly without writing any code.


  • Run Your Query: Start by writing and executing the SQL query for the data you want to export.

  • Right-click on the Results: Once the query results are displayed, right-click anywhere within the results grid.

  • Select Export: From the context menu, select "Export."

  • Choose Export Format: In the Export Wizard, choose "Excel 2007+" (for .xlsx format) or "Excel 97-2003" (for .xls format) as the format.

  • Configure Options: Choose whether to export all rows or a specific subset, and specify the destination file path.

  • Finish Export: Click "Next," then "Finish." Your export result will be positive and data will be exported to the specified Excel file.

Use Case: Ideal for small to medium datasets where you need a quick export without any customization.

 2. Using the SQL Worksheet (Script Output)

This method is useful for users who are comfortable with SQL scripts and need more control over the process of Oracle SQL developer export to Excel format, especially for exporting large datasets.


  • Set SQL Developer Preferences: Before starting, ensure that SQL Developer is configured to spool output to a file. Go to Tools > Preferences > Database > Worksheet and set the SQL History Limit to a high number if needed.

  • Spool the Output: In the SQL Worksheet, use the SPOOL SQL statements to direct the output to a CSV file, which Excel can read.

SPOOL C:\output\exported_data.csv;

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE conditions;

  • Convert CSV to Excel: After spooling, open the CSV file in Excel. You can save it as an Excel file (.xlsx) if required.

 3. Using SQLcl

SQLcl is Oracle's command-line interface for SQL Developer, providing powerful scripting capabilities. It is especially useful for automating the export process.


  • Install SQLcl: Ensure SQLcl is installed and properly configured on your machine.

  • Run the Command: Execute the following command in the SQLcl terminal:

SPOOL C:\output\exported_data.csv;
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE conditions;

Where export.sql is a script that contains your SQL query and the SPOOL command to export data.

  • Automate with Batch Files: Create a batch file (.bat) to automate the export process. This is particularly useful for scheduled exports.

Use Case: Ideal for users who need to automate data exports as part of regular database maintenance or reporting processes.

 4. Using PL/SQL Procedures

For more complex data extraction tasks, you can create a PL/SQL procedure that writes data to a file in a format that Excel can read and you can export file smoothly.


  • Create Directory Object: Ensure you have a directory object created in Oracle where files can be written.

CREATE DIRECTORY exp_dir AS '/path/to/directory';

  • Write Data to File: Use PL/SQL code to write data to a CSV file.


    v_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;


    v_file := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('EXP_DIR', 'exported_data.csv', 'w');

    FOR rec IN (SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE conditions) LOOP

        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_file, rec.column1 || ',' || rec.column2 || ',...');




  • Load into Excel: Open the CSV file in Excel, and save it as an .xlsx file if needed.

Use Case: Ideal for exporting highly customized datasets where standard SQL Developer tools do not suffice.

5. Using Third-party Integration Platforms

Automation platforms like allow users to automate the process of exporting Oracle SQL Developer to Excel along with transformation capabilities, making workflow for recurring exports.


  • Set Up an Account: Sign up for Integrate account.
  • Create a New Automation: Connect to Oracle DB.
  • Connect Oracle SQL Developer: Authenticate your Airtable account and select the base and table you want to export.
  • Connect Excel: Choose Excel as the destination where the data will be exported.
  • Set Export Triggers: Configure the trigger to run the export when new records are added or when records are updated.


  • Paid Service: Many third-party tools require a paid subscription to handle large volumes of data or advanced automation. (But, with, there is no data usage limit during 14 day free trial.)

 Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Large Data Exports:

Problem: SQL Developer becomes unresponsive during large exports.

Solution: Consider using the SQL Worksheet with SPOOL or SQLcl for better performance. Additionally, export in smaller batches or use pagination in your SQL queries.

  • Data Formatting Issues:

Problem: Data in Excel is not formatted as expected (e.g., dates or numbers).

Solution: Use Excel’s data import wizard to specify the correct table data types and schema when opening a CSV file.

  • Character Encoding Problems:

Problem: Special characters appear incorrectly in Excel.

Solution: Ensure that the correct character set is used in SQL Developer. UTF-8 is generally recommended for compatibility.


Exporting DBMS data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel is a routine yet crucial task for data analysts. The methods outlined above provide a range of options, from simple, one-click exports to more complex automated processes. Depending on your specific needs—whether you’re handling small datasets or need to automate large-scale exports—these methods will help you efficiently import data into Microsoft Excel.

Remember, the choice of method will depend on factors such as the size of the dataset, the frequency of the export task, and your comfort level with SQL Developer's tools and scripting capabilities. By mastering these techniques, you can ensure that your data export tasks are handled smoothly, saving you time and reducing errors. To get started with automating your Oracle SQL Developer to Excel, schedule a time to speak with one of our Solution Engineers here


1. Can I automate Oracle database export to Excel?

  • Yes, automation is possible using SQLcl or PL/SQL procedures. These methods allow you to script the export process, making it easier to run regularly without manual intervention.

2. Why is my exported Oracle data not formatted correctly in Excel?

  • This is often due to the export format or character encoding. To fix this, open the CSV in Excel using the data import wizard and specify the correct data types and encoding.

3. What should I do if SQL Developer becomes unresponsive during export?

  • For large datasets, consider using the SQL Worksheet with SPOOL or SQLcl for better performance. Breaking the export into smaller batches can also help.