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As an Amazon Redshift administrator, you may have come across the serializable isolation violation error in your logs. It looks like this:
ERROR: 1023 DETAIL: Serializable isolation violation on table – 15464033, transactions forming the cycle are: 44753006, 44753010 (pid:22973)
This post will work through how to understand the root cause of these errors and how to fix them.
What is Serial Isolation?
Amazon Redshift implements a scheme called serial isolation. This is necessary to achieve high concurrency for write operations. It allows for many transactions to write to a single table at the same time.
Here’s how it works:
Take two transactions: T1 and T2 which write to TABLE1. When either T1 or T2 run, they will change TABLE1. Let’s run these transactions in two scenarios:
Scenario 1: T1 runs first, followed by T2
Scenario 2: T2 runs first, followed by T1
If TABLE1 always looks the same after either scenario 1 and 2 – then Redshift is able to run T1 and T2 in parallel.
But in rare cases, it is possible for parallel execution of T1 and T2 to yield a different result. This would violate data integrity for the database. Redshift will act to prevent this isolation violation error, by aborting the transaction and rolling it back. Basically, Amazon Redshift won’t allow two commands to run concurrently if there are multiple possible outcomes from that happening.
Consider an empty table. Transaction T1 SELECTs all the rows in the table and then INSERTs a row. Transaction T2 INSERTs a row into the table and then SELECTs all the rows in the table.
Scenario 1
T1 executes, followed by T2. T1 will SELECT no rows from the empty table and INSERT a row, and then T2 will INSERT a row and SELECT 2 rows. So, the SELECTed output would be 0 rows for T1 and 2 rows for T2.
Scenario 2
If you reverse the order, T2 will INSERT a row and then SELECT all the rows (i.e. 1) in the table, and then T1 will SELECT all rows and then INSERT a row. The SELECTed output of the transactions is now 1 row for T2 and 1 row for T1.
The Violation
It’s quite possible that T2 could INSERT first, T1 could then SELECT and INSERT, and then T2 could SELECT.
This would result in T1 SELECTing one row but T2 SELECTing two rows. We cannot get this result through any serial execution of T1 and T2. T1 aborts since T1 did the WRITE that triggered the violation.
Database “Snapshots”
To deal with this potential violation, Redshift takes snapshots of the database following any of the following statements:
This snapshot prompts Redshift to monitor for violations. In real terms, the monitoring is happening all the time.
Serializable Isolation Violation Example
Here is an example of this type of error that we’ve come across in one of our clusters.
Serializable isolation violation on table – 13187250, transactions forming the cycle are: 40805622, 40805600, 40805609 (pid:4029)
First, let’s look for which of these three transactions caused the offending WRITE. We can do this by selecting from the STL_TR_CONFLICT table. That table logs a row for each occurrence of this error.
[shell]dev=# select * from stl_tr_conflict where xact_id in (40805622, 40805600, 40805609);
xact_id | process_id | xact_start_ts | abort_time | table_id
40805600 | 4029 | 2018-01-26 03:40:14.026031 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.657363 | 13187250[/shell]
(1 row)
Redshift aborted Transaction 40805600 because it would have resulted in a serialization violation. We can now execute the following SQL to find all the READS and WRITES that lead up to this violation:
WITH aborted_transactions as (
SELECT tc.xact_id as aborted_xid,
tc.table_id AS tbl,
tc.xact_start_ts transaction_start_time,
tc.abort_time transaction_abort_time
stl_tr_conflict tc
concurrent_transactions as (
SELECT at.aborted_xid as aborted_xid,
at.tbl as aborted_table,
s.xid as concurrent_xid,
min(s.starttime) as transaction_starttime,
max(s.endtime) as transaction_endtime
FROM aborted_transactions at,
svl_statementtext s
WHERE s.xid in (40805622, 40805600, 40805609)
GROUP BY aborted_xid, aborted_table, concurrent_xid
— find all tables touched by these transactions
concurrent_operations as (
SELECT ct.aborted_xid, ct.concurrent_xid, d.query, q.starttime, q.endtime, d.tbl, ‘D’ as operation, q.aborted, substring(querytxt, 1, 50) querytxt FROM stl_delete d,stl_query q,concurrent_transactions ct WHERE d.query=q.query AND ct.concurrent_xid = q.xid
— insert, update, copy statements
SELECT ct.aborted_xid, ct.concurrent_xid, i.query, q.starttime, q.endtime, i.tbl, ‘W’ as operation, q.aborted, substring(querytxt, 1, 50) querytxt FROM stl_insert i,stl_query q,concurrent_transactions ct WHERE i.query=q.query AND ct.concurrent_xid = q.xid
— select statements
SELECT ct.aborted_xid, ct.concurrent_xid, s.query, q.starttime, q.endtime, s.tbl, ‘R’ as operation, q.aborted, substring(querytxt, 1, 50) querytxt FROM stl_scan s,stl_query q,concurrent_transactions ct WHERE s.type=2 AND s.query=q.query AND ct.concurrent_xid = q.xid
— maybe add aborted?
SELECT ct.aborted_xid, ct.concurrent_xid, q.query, q.starttime, q.endtime, stc.table_id as tbl, ‘A’ as operation, q.aborted, substring(querytxt, 1, 50) querytxt FROM stl_tr_conflict stc,stl_query q,concurrent_transactions ct WHERE stc.xact_id=ct.concurrent_xid AND q.xid=stc.xact_id and q.aborted=1
SELECT co.aborted_xid, co.concurrent_xid, co.query, co.starttime, co.endtime, co.tbl, tn.“table”, co.operation, co.aborted, co.querytxt FROM concurrent_operations co LEFT JOIN svv_table_info tn ON co.tbl=tn.table_id ORDER BY co.starttime;
To run this in your cluster, replace the xact_id in the aborted_transactions WHERE clause, with the transaction id SELECTed from the stl_tr_conflict table (in our case 40805600).
Replace the transaction list in the aborted_transactions WHERE clause with the full transaction list reported in the error message (in our case 40805622, 40805600, 40805609).
This produces the following output.
[shell] aborted_xid | concurrent_xid | query | starttime | endtime | tbl | is_temp_table | operation | aborted
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145452 | 2018-01-26 03:40:14.173419 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.62772 | 13187208 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145452 | 2018-01-26 03:40:14.173419 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.62772 | 15037734 | t | W | 0
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145452 | 2018-01-26 03:40:14.173419 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.62772 | 13187242 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145452 | 2018-01-26 03:40:14.173419 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.62772 | 13187210 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145474 | 2018-01-26 03:40:16.096666 | 2018-01-26 03:40:16.688598 | 15037750 | t | W | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145480 | 2018-01-26 03:40:16.689452 | 2018-01-26 03:40:16.935325 | 15037750 | t | R | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145485 | 2018-01-26 03:40:17.024012 | 2018-01-26 03:40:17.682866 | 15037750 | t | W | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145491 | 2018-01-26 03:40:17.69563 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.473838 | 13187208 | f | D | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145491 | 2018-01-26 03:40:17.69563 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.473838 | 15037750 | t | R | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145491 | 2018-01-26 03:40:17.69563 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.473838 | 13187208 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145500 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.483172 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.965172 | 15037750 | t | R | 0
40805600 | 40805609 | 12145500 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.483172 | 2018-01-26 03:40:18.965172 | 13187208 | f | W | 0
40805600 | 40805622 | 12145512 | 2018-01-26 03:40:20.353269 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.941206 | 13187210 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805622 | 12145512 | 2018-01-26 03:40:20.353269 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.941206 | 13187208 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805622 | 12145512 | 2018-01-26 03:40:20.353269 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.941206 | 13187250 | f | R | 0
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145557 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.645869 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.661953 | 15037734 | t | R | 1
40805600 | 40805600 | 12145557 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.645869 | 2018-01-26 03:40:24.661953 | 13187250 | f | A | 1
(17 rows)
Operations on temp tables are gray. Temp tables cannot trigger a violation error since they are per-session. Still, they can be useful for debugging because they start a serial isolation thanks to the snapshot.
Here’s what we learned and what you would see if you followed the same steps:
Transaction 40805600 reads from table 13187208
Transaction 40805609 reads and writes from 13187208
Transaction 40805622 reads and joins tables 13187208 to 13187250.
Transaction 40805600 deletes from 13187250. This delete triggers the serialization violation.
We can see how this cycle of transactions triggered the error. 40805600 read at the beginning of the cycle. Then 40805609 read and wrote. Finally, 40805600 read and wrote again via the delete. And due to its join, 40805622 introduced a dependency between the two table writes.
Fixing Serialization Violation Errors
Following these steps has successfully diagnosed the cause of our serialization violation error. But how can we avoid this problem in the first place?
1. Move SELECT statements out of the offending transactions.
When possible, move out all the SELECTs. This will resolve the conflict. But this may not be possible when your WRITE operation depends on the result of SELECT.
2. Pessimistic locking.
You can prevent the conflict by locking the table using the LOCK statement. In our case, we could lock 13187208 at the start of 40805600 or 40805609. This comes at the cost of concurrency and performance. Locking a table can affect transactions outside of this cycle if they need to read that table.
3. Reschedule transactions.
Change the query scheduler to run transactions at different times. Transaction 40805609 is a COPY job and 40805600 and 40805622 are transformations. We could avoid the conflict completely by ensuring they don’t run at the same time.
Getting the Most Out of Amazon Redshift
Now you know how to find and fix serializable isolation violation in Redshift. For further support, check out “Top Performance Tuning Techniques for Amazon Redshift”, for in-depth detail on how to improve query performance and all the challenges in scaling your workloads.