Taboola Connector Overview
Taboola Campaigns
Manage the details of one or more of your ad campaigns, including the financial details - such as cost-per-click (CPC), spending limit, and daily cap - and preferred targets for the campaign i.e. publishers, countries, platforms, etc. This ensures that your campaigns are personalized for the audience most likely to engage them.
Taboola Reports
Retrieve performance reports that include advertiser-relevant data - such as CPC, impressions, total clicks, etc. - as well as publisher metrics, like detailed analytics on the revenue that is being generated by a page. This information allows publishers and advertisers to gauge how to best maximize their discovery-based marketing performance.
Taboola Resources
Request resources that can help set up a campaign on Taboola, including the supported regions and region codes, which platforms are supported, and a dictionary that lists all of the terms that can be used when requesting these resources. Then, use this information to customize a campaign that will provide more effective targeting.