Zuora Connector Overview
Zuora Payment Methods
Get details about any payments that were sent to Zuora accounting, including the payment date, amount, and any unique identifiers that are associated with it. This will help you create more detailed and accurate sales analytics.
Zuora Accounts
Retrieve data about any accounts that you have in Zuora - bank accounts, CRM, ERP - including the account’s name, ID, type, and description. Then, integrate this data with other endpoints to track income and expense details for each account. This will provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of your company’s overall performance.
Zuora Revenues
Automate even the most complex revenue processes and accurately account for all of your business costs in order to have comprehensive accounting and more accurate reporting, forecasting, and projections.
Zuora Subscriptions
Track which clients are subscribed to which plans, as well as when they subscribed, when they canceled, and how many users they are subscribed with. This field also allows you to track charges associated with those subscriptions so that you can monitor the revenue that they generate.
Zuora Transactions
Track all bank transactions that are captured by Zuora, including both payments that you have received and business expenses that you have paid. Then, use that data to gain a better understanding of your finances. Specifically, look at details gathered from those transactions - such as the bank account IDs, transaction dates, amounts paid, and type of transaction - to better understand your finances and see if any changes need to be made.