Suffering From
Vendor Fatigue?

Decision paralysis is a real thing in our crowded industry!

Below we’ve outlined what our top superpowers are to help you decide if we are a good partner for your data journey.

I’m so confident in our superpowers below that we’ll make a $100 donation to a charity of your choice if you trial our platform for one of our superpowers and we don’t get selected as your ETL tool of choice!

Donal Tobin
Donal Tobin
Ensure Data Quality Ensure Data Quality
While we pride ourselves in our platform’s flexibility, we also
acknowledge that every platform has its superpowers.
What Are Our Superpowers
Unlimited Capabilities
API Ingestion
  • Ingest Data From Any API in Minutes
    Native connectors work great when available, but what happens when you need data from long-tail data sources?
Unlimited Capabilities
Bi-directional Salesforce Integration
  • Ingest data from anywhere to Salesforce
    Empower your customer facing teams with the data they need, where they need it, when they need it. Stop missing out on actionable insights.
Unlimited Capabilities
File Data Ingestion & Sharing
  • Stop manually receiving, preparing, and sending files
    It’s 2023 and files are still the most common method for data sharing – it’s not changing any time soon! Start automating your file data sharing now.
Unlimited Capabilities
60 Second Data Replication
  • The Fastest Data Replication Available
    Unify all your data sources to your data warehouse for a real-time single source of truth. Your data warehouse is critical, don’t mess around. 60 second replication on every pricing tier.
What Powers Our Superpowers?
Unlimited Capabilities
Industry-leading Customer Experience
  • End-to-end 24/7, white glove support
    I know every company tries to say their support is brilliant, but sadly it’s rarely the case - we’re different. A dedicated Solutions Engineer from your very first call supporting you every step of the way.
Industry Leading Support
We're committed to delivering the best support in the industry
Customer Satisfaction Score
Average First Response
Average Time to Resolution

The Leading Platform for Operational ETL

Connect with us about using our low-code pipeline platform for your entire data journey

Ensure Data Quality